Readers’ Favorite Editorial Review: Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish

Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish

By Deborah Martin

“Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish by Deborah Carter Martin is a sweet story of Christmas celebration and love for young readers. The charming storyline will delight your children as you read this book together. Hunnie Bunny goes for a walk in the woods, enjoying the freshly fallen snow. She runs into Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal and starts thinking about the tree they are sitting on. Hunnie has a bright idea and suggests to the Cardinals that the three of them should decorate the tree and invite all the other woodland creatures to join them in celebrating Christmas Eve. All the animals come, and Hunnie Bunny is pleased, except she is alone. She wishes for a companion to share the celebration. Is her wish granted? Read this wonderful book and find out.

Sandamali Kamalchandra fills Hunnie Bunny’s Christmas Wish with colorful and beautiful illustrations. Deborah Carter Martin does a masterful job of making the book exciting and creative. This story is perfect for preschool-level children and makes an excellent springboard to discuss loneliness and relationships. Don’t forget to emphasize family relationships and friendships. Too often, parents forget that children can feel lonely when surrounded by others who are with their special friends. Spending time together is a big part of Christmas, but always remember to discuss with your children why Christmas exists. Most importantly, enjoy your time with your children as you read this book and discuss your family traditions. Share ideas on adding new traditions that will become particularly yours. I highly recommend this book and know you will enjoy reading it.’ - Phillip Van Heusen for Readers’ Favorite

5 Stars

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