“Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery by Deborah Carter Martin is a children’s illustrated book for young readers, ages 3 and up. Hunnie is a rabbit who works hard every year in her garden to grow food for her needs. But one year some plants mysteriously vanish from one of the rows. In a panic, Hunnie turns to her friends, Mr. Squirrel and Mr. Frog, to see if they can help. But they are just as confused as Hunnie Bunny. Finally, they decide to visit Mrs. Owl, who thinks it might be Mr. Gopher. Will they find the culprit who is stealing vegetables from her garden?
This story is about conflict and resolution, and how Hunnie, although angry and accusatory, finds it in her heart to be forgiving and kind as well. There are times when conflicts come about from simple misunderstandings, and this is one of those times. I can see this story being useful when siblings or friends cause trouble by taking what does not belong to them, and find that it can help them come to an understanding. The artwork is colorful and bright, sure to catch the attention of young readers as they can see the garden plants growing, as well as the friends coming to Hunnie’s rescue. Hunnie Bunny’s Garden Mystery by Deborah Carter Martin takes a negative situation and turns it into something positive that children can relate to and use in emotional and social learning environments. This book is highly recommended.” - Bruce Arrington for Readers’ Favorite